
What is the answer?

Cornice leopardata in rosa e stampa ironica… Io che vado pazza per le t-shirts sono a nozze! Devo dire che quest’anno sto vedendo molti brand emergenti che vanno forte con le t-shirts stampate, e ne sono felice, perchè sanno coniugare ironia, colori e grafiche accattivanti. Senza dimenticare cotoni di qualità e prezzi super accessibili. Senza dubbio un brand che possiede queste qualità è WHAT IS THE ANSWER, che si diverte a giocare con il linguaggio dei giovani facendo riferimento a conversazioni scherzose da social network. Siete curiose di vedere altre stampe? Seguite la pagina fb di What is the answer, trovate anche lo shop online! Frame in pink and leopard and ironic print I going crazy for t-shirts and I have to say that this year I’m seeing many emerging brands that are strong with printed t-shirts, and I’m happy, because they combine irony, colors and eye-catching graphics, with good cottons quality and accessible prices. No doubt a brand that possesses these qualities is WHAT IS THE ANSWER, who likes to play with the language of young people by referring to conversations jokes from social networks. Are you curious to see other prints? Follow the fb page of What is the answer, you will also find the online shop!

Tee: What is the answer; skirt and belt: Denny Rose (old); shoes: no brand; bag: Phillip Lim; sunnies: Cèline; bracelets: My life-my passion.

50 Responses

  1. Hello dear Lucy

    how are you? hope well would like to work with you again in the near
    future ! maybe do you can send me some of your picture again ? maybe do you can make some new pictures in pink looks. ! ? would really like to promote you more with your stunning blog and model Lucy :) <3 <3 Lucy <3 :) ! :)
    so let me know miss queen of all pink :) <3



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